A bird and a song
Listen so closely,
For it may be gone,
A sound hear so softly
It will melt your heart,
It is truly a piece of art.
The beautiful waves flowed up on shore,
For it made me better than before
Nature made me who I am today,
charming. Beautiful. Hope to get better someday.
The journey to get here has been rough
Nature can sometimes be tough,
Don’t let it define who you are
For if you stay positive you will make it far.
I now see my purpose,
For all my life I felt worthless,
Nobody could see what I could be
But nature has now made me.
The beautiful trees that stood so tall,
I was hoping they would never fall
For the sight is so amazing,
I could just sit there gazing.
My journey to find my purpose is over,
For nature has opened my mind
This is not something I can passover
For nature has made me aligned.
Written by Owen Atkins