There’s a place,
Further out,
Where lines between the sea and sky
Start to blur,
Into a murky blue,
With no distinction.
I’d like to find my way there,
Where there isn’t one or the other.
No horizon to hold me,
No ground to fall back on.
Just the open air and water,
And whatever’s in between.
I stand on the shore like it’s a gate;
A turning point.
I could venture out and risk the haze,
Or I could keep wondering what’s out there.
Shadows can be cast upon the shore too,
What do I have to be afraid of out anywhere else?
These questions are futile,
Because it always ends the same way;
I stay where I belong.
I am afraid
Of what awaits me down the road;
Of what the shore holds for me,
Which is why I belong here.
I turn back,
Ready to face the shadows made by the sun.
Written by Abby Jansen