No matter how you’re feeling or how your day is going, it’s always nice to come home to a furry friend. It’s even better when that furry friend is a cat.
Their Behaviour
Depending on the breed of cat you have, you’ll experience different behaviour trends. Outdoor cats can show hunting instincts and high levels of energy around the home. Indoor cats are very mellow and prefer to lie around and relax. Depending on how your cat was raised, you’ll also see how they interact with other members of your family or other pets.
Love and Affection
Some cats love affection and personal interaction. I love my cat because of how much time he spends with me whenever I’m just hanging out in my room. If I’m watching TV, he’ll jump on my bed and snuggle with me until he falls asleep. Some cats also find love and affection from bonding games. There are so many little toys you can buy that let you play with them. My favourite toy is a little ball with a fake mouse inside. The ball makes a rattling noise and when I toss it my cat chases after it and swats it around trying to retrieve the mouse. Since cats don’t bring the toy back to you, I can usually play this with him for about 10 minutes until I get tired of chasing after the ball.
Low Maintenance
Unlike dogs, cats are extremely easy to take care of. They don’t need to be walked or let out of the house and supervised. For an indoor cat, once they are trained on where they need to use the bathroom, you never need to worry about any accidental messes. Cats are also very hygienic. They bathe themselves regularly and prefer not to live in messy environments which again, makes the owner’s life substantially easier. As an owner, the most amount of work I have to do is change the litter over.
A Final Rating on Cats
There are so many ways to begin your journey on getting a cat. Tons of humane societies and rescue shelters look for new, friendly owners who want to give these pets a beautiful home. I 10/10 recommend purchasing (or rescuing) a cat. They really can be one of your best friends.