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Trying To Get Your First Win In ‘Fortnite’?

Writer's picture: It'sMyBlyth It'sMyBlyth

Having trouble getting your first win in ‘Fortnite’? Well look no further, this is a specific tutorial on how to get your first win in ‘Fortnite’.’Fortnite’ one of the most popular games of the century, currently with 145 million downloads, and can you believe that you haven’t got your first win? Don’t worry throughout this article you will be taught the strategies on how to win in ‘Fortnite’. Most of you reading this article are either kids or young adults and I say welcome! ‘Fortnite’ isn’t just a run and gun shooter, it takes strategy and looking upon my statistics I consider myself an expert in ‘Fortnite’ and I want to release the strategy on how to get your first win. This strategy is only how to get your first win, if you want to become a better player, you should try to stay away from this strategy and just practice in-game.

LANDING :Early Game:

Before we get right into getting your first victory royale. I need to tell you the basics, which is choosing your landing spot. You do NOT want to go to Tilted Towers or it will be like a bunch of ants swarming you and eating you alive; We don’t want this to happen. You need to choose a passive area, for example: Junk Junction, Haunted Hills and Lonely Lodge. Do not land in places with skyscrapers or a place with an abundance of houses. You can compare this to Toronto; Toronto brings a lot of tourists because of the colossal buildings and the CN tower: Do not land in places like Toronto (Tilted Towers). After you have landed and made sure no one is with you, we can now move onto weapon choices.

Good Weapons To Choose!

So by now you have landed and are now wondering, what shall I do now? Well I’m glad you have made it this far you are one step closer to getting your first victory royale! This is the fun part; where you get to choose your weapons and eliminate some noobs. Your inventory should consist of 5 slots, these 5 slots should be balanced, I will give an example; Whenever I am playing, I always have 2 healing supplies: shield pot or a slurp. Then for the 3 leftover slots, these will be your MASS DESTRUCTION WEAPONS. Just kidding, but I wish those were in the game: maybe next time. If your inventory slots are not balanced you will not make it far. Most pros always have a organized inventory. Your 3 slots should consist of a long ranged weapon of your choice, I usually go with the Scar if possible or a regular AR. I do not like the burst’s because it takes too long to fire and does less damage.Your second slot should be a shotgun, we will be using a tactical shotgun, even though the pump shotgun does more damage, the tactical shoots faster and has a higher DPS. Do not start using a shotgun at far range, because you will simply die by other players. It would be like you trying to use a bb gun as a sniper. The third slot can either be your favorite of a: sniper, RPG or a SMG. I prefer a RPG because in one shot on target you can do 120 damage and weaken them really badly. Afterwards you should eliminate them and dance on the enemy. We can now go a step further and move onto late game section!

Late Game :Also Known As Where You Win:

So you have landed in a passive area, you have got the best loadout ever! Now what? Well now you get that victory royale screen you have always been waiting for! Once you are ready to headout, start by advancing towards the circle. The key here is to not go into the middle you want to stay at the margin of the circle until, you have to move again. All the enemies coming out of the storm will be very feeble, since they take damage.; Here is your chance to show them who’s gonna win the game. Eliminate them and snag their loot. Once there is about 10 or so people left, here is when we start to plan. The key for this is to hide behind natural cover, and yes I mean that bush in front of you; Enemy’s will be too distracted to focus on you and most times won’t even see you and that’s a fact. If you are in the top 3 by now congratulations you are a winner in my book, but don’t worry this isn’t some petty speech your dad tells you; This is where your beauty shines and you get to wreck everyone. So 3 people left is that so? Well your in luck because we are going to win this, you will need to be able to hear because sound is key in this part. While, you are hiding in either a bush or behind a tree, listen for the last two enemies to fight. As soon as you hear gunshots rush over to where they are fighting and start spraying them down. Wait? What happened? Let me see the screen; Does it say victory royale? Well I guess you won! Start dabbing on them haters because you just won; Don’t stop here and continue getting all those wins!

More Feedback and Advice!

If you are having trouble getting your first win after all the tips I gave you well don’t worry I have some extra tips just for you. If you are always dying at the beginning of the game, try to land in a different area with less players and more loot. If you keep dying because of your weapon, use a different one. I am not forcing you to use my choices, choose any weapons you want their are so many. If you don’t like that tactical shotgun, use a pump. If you are coming in second I know how that feels, you will get them next time tiger. That’s not it though, if you are having trouble spraying the enemy’s down or you are just needing help with aiming in general. Practice in playground it is there for a reason. Anyways that comes to the sad ending of my article for those who have won, congratulations! If you are almost there, keep trying don’t give up! It’s worth it to try, I do not think ‘Fortnite’ will be dying anytime soon and I think it is a good skill to have. Anyways “may the victory royale be with you!”

Written by Adam (Lambo) Turajilic

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