Have you been playing first-person-shooters lately? Well then you’re going to love Rainbow Six Siege which is a Tom Clancy Series game: undoubtedly one of the few games which has been popular even after sequels of the game have been released. The game was developed by Ubisoft who have developed games including, but not limited to: Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed and Far Cry. The Ubisoft game is an action packed first person shooter ‘Search and Destroy’ game; once you die, you don't respawn until the next round. Rainbow Six Siege is a game initially released back in 2015 and continues to maintain its popularity.
The publishers, Ubisoft, initially released the game in 2015 and have since released 2 more games in the Tom Clancy Series, Tom Clancy’s The Division and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon. The game retails at $59.99. The initial release came with a single game mode, Secure the area. The main objective of secure the area is that there is a defending and an attacking team, the defending team will attempt to fortify the base and ensure they keep it as enclosed as possible. The attacking team will then attempt to enter the area for a total of 30 seconds or eliminate all defending opponents to guarantee victory of the round. After each round, the teams switch; attacking become defending and defending becomes attacking. The developers later created two more game modes, ‘Bomb’ and ‘Hostage’. The objective of ‘bomb’ was for the attacking team to plant a bomb at either the ‘a’ site or the ‘b’ site whilst the defending protected the sites and tries to kill the person carrying the bomb. Once the person carrying the bomb is killed the bomb drops and anyone on the attacking team is free to pick it up. If the bomb is planted the defending team must eliminate the players or attempt and sneak their way through the team and defuse it. However, if the bomb isn’t planted then the defending team takes the victory for that round. Just like before, the teams switch between every round. ‘Hostage’ is pretty self-explanatory. There is a hostage which the attacking team is trying to retrieve and place at the safe zone, and the defending team protect hostage. In all three of these game modes if the attacking team eliminates all the defending team, or vise-versa, the last team standing wins. Essentially, as a team, you must create a strategy; if you want to go and play the objective, go ahead, if you want to go for the eliminations, go ahead, if you want to split up, go ahead. I wouldn't recommend the last one though, as you could get ‘picked off’ one by one.
Operators. Operators are essentially like the characters you could choose from, and you unlock these characters by playing the game and earning what the game calls ‘Renowns’. That’s an in-game currency which the player can use to acquire the operators. At this time, there are 20 attacking operators and 20 defending operators. Operators can’t be used unless your team is attacking or defending, depending on what side you’re on. For example, if your team is attacking an you have only unlocked defending operators then you will not have any special operators to use. Each operator has a different speciality and weapon that makes them unique. When you first begin playing you use what they call ‘Recruit’ which is what the game gives you to use as an operator, this is the only operator that can be used on either side; defending or attacking. However, the ‘recruit’ does not have an special abilities like the other operators.
Even nowadays, the game has received so much popularity, and continues, to receive so much popularity that there are professional ESport tournaments hosted with the winner going home with a large sum of money. Tournaments such as: Dreamhack Montreal, Six Major and ESL. These are tournaments with over $2 million in winnings. Which leaves the winner with over $300,000 dollars!
In conclusion, the game has continued to thrive and seems to attract more and more users as the years go by.
Written by Zaid Al-Obaidi