The 1999 movie called the ‘The Matrix’ is one of the most creative and innovative movies created, even today! It was a smash hit that has inspired Sci-Fi movies ever since its release. It came out of nowhere and made Keanu Reeves a household name. It is one of my personal favourite movies and Keanu Reeves makes me proud as a Canadian!
Introduction Discussion
The movie starts off with a woman sitting at a computer in a dark room, when police officers arrive on the scene. They are soon followed by 3 men in black suits who tell the captain the men he sent to bring the woman down are dead. But the bigger shock is when the woman in the room(who we shortly find out is named Trinity) kills the cops, but while she does it does things that shouldn’t be possible with the law of physics, like running on walls and later when she’s on the run from the men in black suits(who we learn are called Agents) she jumps 100ft to a building across a street!
This is an incredible opening because you start off not knowing who to root for, as the men in black suits is a cliché for bad, but the woman in the chair just killed a dozen police officers. But you also start to notice something isn’t right with physics, which is a great introduction to the idea of the matrix, a simulated reality all humans are in. It also makes Trinity come out looking as the underdog as the whole world is against her and she is being tracked by more powerful people (the agents).
The characters are also astoundingly cool, but at the same time realistic. Mr. Anderson (Keanu Reeves) is a computer programmer living 2 lives: During the day he works for a computer company; during the night he is a hacker known by the alias Neo. His entire life is soon turned upside-down as he starts to be followed and talked to by strange people working for their leader Morpheus. Soon after he is taken into custody and raked for information by the Agents and is personally questioned by the true villain of the film Agent Smith (Hugo Weaver).
The film does an incredible job with special effects for the technology they had at the time. The choreographed fight scenes are incredible and don’t involve the quick cuts or shaky cam that plague cinemas today. The film has been one of the most innovative in the industry and created many new ideas and effects, one such that has been used in dozens of movies now is bullet time. Many movies have made reference to the film and it is Keanu’s most well known picture. ‘The Matrix’ became a trilogy with 2 equally commercially successful films called ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ and ‘The Matrix Revolutions’.
Personal Thoughts
I would give the movie a 9.8/10 because there is not much more the creators could have done right. It inspired a genre and has eternally helped both Sci-Fi and computer-generated imagery (CGI). I love Keanu Reeves and I’m glad ‘The Matrix’ let him show his acting skills and make him a big buck on the side, as there are not many actors who deserve the money more than him! I can’t wait to see his next movie ‘John Wick 2’ in theatres in 2019!
Written by MacLain Battley