If you never read a Rick and Morty comic, you're missing a lot in life. I profoundly recommend getting in on the Rick and Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons book No1. Rick and Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons offer one of the best comic stories to date. Furthermore, I encourage you to read any other comic created by Rick and Morty because it is amazing and engaging. It apprehends every part of essence from the show. "This comic also connects in a sincere way to D'n'D ( Dungeons & Dragons) routes, without sacrificing on the hilarious nature of Rick And Morty," said Patrick Rothfuss, the creator of this comic. Experts mention there is a lot of emotional baggage here. According to them there are some shades of darkness, fear, anxiety, as well as joy.
The comic is based on a crazy sci-fi that adds a massive twist to the story, which will make fans very thrilled. It's an overwhelming experience that will trigger fear and anxiety; however, once you understand the peak of the story, this feeling of butterflies in your stomach will disappear. It’s like riding a roller coaster.
This comic has a 4.2/5 for everyday readers and an 8.7/10 for comic book readers with a target audience of teenagers
Book Synopsis
When Morty needs guidance to learn how to play D&D to keep up with the cool kids, his hard-drinking, old school-gaming, mad science-making grandpa is happy to teach him how to roll the dice, but neither Rick or Morty are prepared for the saving throws they're about to fail or the actual quest to come. Next thing they know, the entire family has been pulled into the campaign that escalates from virtual D&D simulations to alternate universes governed by the rules of the game. And as time turns out, Rick isn't the only one who knows his way around a d20.
Overall this is the best version of a Rick and Morty comic book that you will want to read. It has a fantastic cover page and very detailed art on every page. It is a book for anyone who loves quests and fantasy.
Written by Hamza Hashem