Brian is a main character featured in the hit T.V show, Family Guy. He is an anthropomorphic dog with tendencies related more to humans than his own biological species. It is never explained how Brian got his ability of speech; his stride on hind legs; use of front legs as arms or his thumbs, it was just shown as Brian as a puppy on a farm where he was born, he was the only one in his litter with his remarkable abilities. Ever since he is not noted as a dog “but my best friend” to Peter. Brian and Stewie go hand in hand together, “Road to…” episodes are off-plot stories featuring the two beloved characters venturing off on their own. Personally I love these episodes, don’t you? The constant arguing between the two, admitting they give each other's lives purpose, yet their sense of undeniable love for eachother is a very unique chemistry to Family Guy and to television in general.
Brian is also a raging alcoholic, throughout the 17 season series, Stewie makes several jokes towards Brian’s mourning drinking habits. Brian is also a extremely left wing political supporter. Proudly driving a Prius and claiming to help save to world. With his continuous efforts he is one of the most competent cast members, offering many logical points of view. As a radical hippy he is also seen to be a huge supporter in the legalization of marijuana. With this Brian is an aspiring writer, failing to publish a meaningful book in his eyes, he makes a bet with Stewie that he can publish a trash book in one night, making himself rich and famous. Brian follows through with his word and does, Wish it, Want it, Do it. Brian also created a very successful play at one point, following Brian’s success Stewie too creates a marvelous play. It is so good that he is invited to a Broadway party for his raging success; this is where Brian’s idol play rights talk about an awful play getting attention is Rhode Island. Not knowing it was Brian's. Brian is also a musician. Working with Frank Sinatra. With all of Brian's mild success he has received: IGN's "Family Guy: Top 10 Fights", Brian's fight with Stewie in the episode "Patriot Games is ranked number 5. In IGN's "Top 10 musical moments in Family Guy", Brian ranked number 6, number 5, and number 3 with the songs, "The Freakin' FCC" from "PTV", "Never Gonna Give You Up" from "Meet the Quagmires"; "This House Is Freakin' Sweet" from "Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater". In a list of the Top 25 Family Guy characters compiled by IGN, Brian was placed second on the list. They stated that "man's best friend is a poor understatement" with regards to Brian.
In season 12 Brian and Stewie go to the junkyard to scrap his time machine, after it had nearly killed them for the “millionth” time. While there they uncover a hockey net. When home they decide to play, as Stewie returns into the house making a …. joke about his knee pads a car comes racing around the corner, hitting Brian. Brian dies. With such outrage in the Family Guy community he makes a quick return two episodes later.
Written by Ben Montgomery