“Don’t be scared”, said Frodo, “the stories about this place are probably just myths.”
Sam replied “That’s what they said about dragons and other creature before we finally found them, Frodo.”
Frodo ignored Sam and continued into the forest expecting the surroundings to be any normal forest. Frodo managed to make it 10 feet into the forest before Sam and Merry were scared due to the shrieking, and other odd noises they heard. Regardless of everything they heard, the hobbits continued to walk with the noise of breaking branches and crunched leaves under every step.
Suddenly Sam saw a shadowy figure “It’s the Black Riders Frodo…” They all hid waiting to see if it was actually a Black Rider. With every step it took the appearance of the figure started to change, it no longer looked like a Black Rider it had 8 legs and was all black. “Frodo, Sam told you” said Pippin “This is the first time I’ve ever seen a giant spider, I’ve only heard about them in those stories spread in the Shire.”
“We have no choice but to continue at this point.” said Frodo.
The spider started walking closer to the group. Merry dashed running away from all the others. The spider started chasing Merry, running as if it were a horse, nobody had seen how fast a spider was. Merry ran into a dead end with the spider standing behind him, slobber dripping down the mouth of the spider landing on Merry as if it were raining. When it looked as if the spider was about to devour Merry, it stopped. With the noise of someone singing the Old Forest suddenly didn’t seem to have a chilling atmosphere. The spider ran into a pack of other spiders and they all took off into a cave. “What was that?” said Sam “You nearly got yourself killed Merry.”
“It was for you guys”, replied Merry, “you guys should have ran away while I distracted the spider.”
“We don’t leave any hobbit behind” said Frodo.
They proceeded throughout the forest trying to find Bree. With the singing continuing through the night the group didn’t seem frightened at all. Eventually the singing stopped, with the group halfway through the forest. “Oh no..” said Pippin “this doesn’t seem too good.” They heard a bellow of rage, it sounded like the snarl of the spiders before they ran off. “We need to go”, said Frodo, “we don’t have much time.” They saw a home emitting light.
“There’s a house” said Merry “should we go there?”
“I’ve heard stories” said Frodo “someone by the name of Tom lives there, he is supposedly the ruler of all nature.”
When Sam heard Frodo he ran towards the house, without a second thought he started slamming on the door once he made it to the house. The door opened but what Sam saw made him shiver. There was a big folk with the head of a spider, it was looking down at Sam. With eyes red as rubies and teeth sharp as knives. It screeched and attacked Sam. The rest of the group heard a group of spiders coming towards them, when Frodo turned around he saw at least 5. “What do we do?” said Merry. Before anyone could say anything the spiders were too close…
Written by Jason Vukelaj