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King Lear visits The Rift

Writer's picture: It'sMyBlyth It'sMyBlyth

Kassadin was never in favor of winning his lane, as having to play against a Zed means sitting

under tower and losing valuable farm for safety, or risk walking up and getting one-shotted by him. Rengar, having just claimed the Dragon and now taking out the Rift Herald, calls on his three laners to listen to his offer. “I have three buffs to give out, to each of you three laners; top, mid, and bot. Fortune favors those who can prove to me that they are the most deserving of a buff. I have one for each of you, but you must prove to me that you deserve these.” Aside, Rengar hopes for Kassadin to show his worthiness, as he is his favourite of the three, apart from their top laner Darius and bot laner Vayne.

Vayne, who has already claimed the first turret of the match with her support Thresh,

exclaims “I am the hyper carry of this game, my friend. We are already winning our lane and can push our lead with your invaluable red buff on me.” Rengar quite likes her response, and is willing to give away his red buff to her. Before he makes any decision, he wants to hear what Kassadin and Darius have to say. Darius, being a very strong split pusher and one on one fighter, claims “I should have either the Rift Herald or the blue buff. I can destroy plenty of towers in one go with the Rift Herald, but the blue buff would also be invaluable for the mana regeneration as I blow through mine in mere minutes trying to clear waves of creeps.” Rengar also agrees with Darius, understanding that his power lies in applying pressure in different lanes while his team groups up; Rengar wants to hear what his favourite, Kassadin, has to say.

Kassadin hasn’t done anything special this game, slowly approaching level 9; he has not

hit his power spike and is still quite weak, especially against a Zed. “I’m not sure what to say,

Rengar, for I have no pressure in lane but could use the blue buff to compensate for how

expensive my abilities cost to use. I believe I will be an invaluable asset late game, but cannot confidently tell you I will be useful with your buffs.” Rengar is awestruck with Kassadin’s response. “How could you say such things to me? I have helped you and helped you all game, constantly ganking mid in hopes of snowballing you into victory, but you still cannot even compete against your laner? Get out of my sight, Kassadin. I have wasted too much time on you for it all to go to waste.” Rengar, now having finished the Rift Herald, calls to Darius. “Oh, Darius, come and claim the Rift Herald, and take the blue buff. Kassadin shall get no rewards today as I do not even count him as on my team anymore.” Darius is quite content with this, smirking. “Thank you Rengar, that Kassadin has no idea what he is talking about. He must have something wrong in his head, I’m glad you got rid of him.” Vayne, having already assumed that the red buff was hers, has made her way over to it. “It’s about time you gave me this red buff, we’re in the mid game and Rengar isn’t useful now, you’re too old and outdated to be carrying our team anymore.” Kassadin now realizes that no one is on his side anymore. Rengar doesn’t realize it, but this Vayne and Darius are using him for the buffs just so that they can get more kills. They don’t care about winning the game like Rengar and Kassadin do, but Rengar can’t see that. Kassadin, having been disowned by his team, is now going to farm in the mid lane and stay out of the picture until he is prepared to come back into the fight and show Rengar that he is invaluable and a necessity to winning the game.

Written by Cameron McLean

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