That’s it, I’m going to Gretchen’s! If Cady thinks she can talk to me like that she’s got to be an idiot. I created her. She would be nothing without me, and this is how she repays me. Honestly. But I don’t need her, I’ve got Gretchen and we can make her life a living hell. Ugh- I’m hungry… where are those damn Kalteen bars?! I want to lose three pounds; I know I’m already so skinny but I’m bloated so I’m limiting my diet to Kalteen bars and cranberry juice. I think it’s working.
I’m going to call Gretchen, “Hey loser, I’m coming over.”
“Ok, why? I thought you were at Cady’s...”
“You’ll never believe what Cady said to me!”
“What did she say to you?”
“It’s so horrid, I’ll tell you when I get to your place.”
If Cady thinks she can just act like a little biotch to me, she’s going to regret it. Gretchen’s going to take my side, I know she will. Gretchen doesn’t even like Cady that much. Even if she did, she obviously likes me more; I created her too. They all owe their popularity to me and like hell I’m going to let them forget it.
“Oh my God! Gretchen, Cady was so rude to me, she implied that Aaron doesn’t like me!”
“And how exactly did she do that…?” Gretchen’s loyal, but she isn’t always the brightest.
“I was talking about how Aaron and I were going to homecoming together and I asked her opinion on what my dress colour should be and she said it doesn’t matter because Aaron won’t even notice. So I told her she can’t sit with us anymore, I’m taking her out of the groupchat.”
“Ummmm don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit, Reg? I mean, she probably didn’t mean it that way, and you already took Karen out of the group chat last week. It won’t even be a group chat anymore. What happens if you get mad at me? Are you going to kick me out too?”
“So? We don’t need them, they’re annoying anyway, but you’re better than them.”
I’m right, I don’t need their rudeness and ingratitude, I created them.
Written by Abby Jansen