Instagram is a giant social media platform, which many people could access, find new ideas, people.
Why is Instagram important?
Instagram is a giant platform for anyone to use, Instagram links regular people to see famous people or other friends they know. Instagram is user friendly, and is great for teenagers, or adults. Instagram is a platform to; stay in touch with friends, see new creations, random pictures and anything you could think of. Instagram has a search bar, which you could search anything, and a different user would have posted an idea, or something close to the search you typed. Instagram is a great way to get noticed because many users, post creations/ videos they’ve made, and post it, for others to see. If you want to get noticed later on in life, Instagram is a great way to get jobs/ universities notice you.
Who are the main users?
The main audience for Instagram are teenagers young adults, but only fifty-three percent of teenagers young adults aged from 18-29 take up the two-hundred million people using Instagram right now. The rest are mostly; adults, ads and sponsors. In my opinion Instagram has not succeeded telling who the audience is, and if I was managing the audience group I would have clearly stated “anyone” the reason is I think some adults or children who have access to the internet, might feel like it’s not for the age group they sit in.
Where does Instagram stand?
Instagram has many competitors on the social media platform, such as: Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Linkdin. The largest competitor for Instagram is Facebook, but now Facebook owns Instagram right behind Instagram is Snapchat, Linkedin and twitter. In my opinion if you have facebook, I would switch to Instagram the reasons are; Instagram will soon be the largest social media platform with all the new young users with technology joining , Instagram is more user friendly, you would see more people with different creations using Instagram, and Instagram makes updates every month to the platform to make it more friendly, and make it worth your time.
What are the Benefits?
The major benefits of using Instagram is, that you can educate yourself on different post you see, such as Science page, or Geography. page. You can see different locations you would like to travel too, or not travel too. You could learn about ancient technology in cities, or modern day technology in cities.
Written by Avishka Delivera