I got the idea to do a write up about school dress codes after I was researching about them in my Sociology class. I ended up conducting an entire lab regarding the sexism involved in a dress code and how well it's enforced in schools.
Of course, to start my research and experiment I need a hypothesis. My hypothesis was as followed: If a girl were to break the dress code then it may result in a punishment a boy would not receive. After I created my hypothesis I could start my experiment which required two things, photos of teens outfits and teachers' opinions.
The results were unexpected...Once all my information was gathered it was clear to see that my hypothesis was refuted. In my hypothesis, I spoke about how the dress code was sexist and unfair towards girls and that is was possible they may suffer different consequences than a boy. After all my information had been recorded and put into a pie chart, it was clear to see that the results did not support my hypothesis at all with “no problem with the female outfit" being the highest percentage. Although these were facts, I could not argue with it so I decided to go back and do some more research and see if there was a reason the results were like this.
After I went back and asked some more questions I was able to gather that 22.2 percent of male teachers would feel uncomfortable with calling out a female student resulting in the percentage of teachers being ok with the female outfit so high at 33.7 percent. Related to this, although my experiment was logical and well thought out, there could still have been biased and here's how: The male to female ratio in the teachers.
As seen in my graphs, many answered were based on the gender of the teacher and how comfortable they would feel calling out the opposite gender. In my experiment, I had more female teachers than the male which may have resulted in lower or higher percentages then if I had an equal number of female and male opinions. In conclusion, If I were to experiment again I would have set up more organized charts to collect my information instead of just using my notes. Even though it was accurate it took much longer to go through my notes and try to decipher what I was trying to record at that time and having to read through lots of autocorrect by my phone.
Sophia Baker