Today was a very troubling day, nothing seemed to be coming my way, so I decided to go for a long brisk walk through the beautiful forest to clear my mind.
Not so long after, I stumbled across a place, a very calming; beautiful place at that. It was full of flowers like a big field that I would stumble upon back home, and it was green as ever. “It is beautiful, I must say” I said slowly, but surely, to myself. I walked cautiously towards it to get a better look. Magnificent. A very curious change came over me. It was sharp with suspicion and annoyance. I didn't know what I was feeling but I surely did not like it. I still walked closer.
This place was absolutely “brilliant”, some might say. It was…peaceful. It had hills with short little doors to go in them: it was like they were houses. There was a lake that was downhill from the houses that was flowing in a calm and beautiful manner. It was like the place that the Smurfs had lived in. I was going insane!
All of a sudden a very short; hairy looking man came out of one of the houses (it was like they were living in holes). We locked eyes. We stared at each other hesitantly before he let out a magnificent scream “AHHHH! It’s the big folk”. I was confused, but petrified at the same time.
I walked towards him, slowly as ever, he was frightened. Terrified even. I let out the safest “hello" I could muster.
“My name is Owen, I’m so very sorry I startled you, young lad”. The human (I think that’s what it is) just sat there not making a hint of eye contact with me.
I suppose all the other little strange people heard that monstrous scream he let out, they all started to come out of their little holes, the doors all bright and coloured: blue ,green, yellow, and there were little tiny paths coming from the doors throughout the whole place.
They all walked towards me. One was leading the group, a king some might say. He looks at me. “Who are you?"
“I’m just passing through I mean no harm” I says to him. He had big curly hair, kinda like an afro, he had brown eyes and hairy feet and was wearing a big silk like coat, his pants, shorter than what they should be and his feet, were bigger than usual. He didn’t even have shoes on.
He yelled at me to leave, so without hesitation I ran off: I didn’t even look back.
The place was beautiful and amazing and I would definitely go back there again, but I fear I may not be welcomed.
Written by Owen Atkins