A Stunning Island, Unless...
Imagine the clearest, bluest water possible. That’s what the water in Curacao looks like. Curacao is a tropical Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela. It’s also where my family and I went on vacation the summer of 2011. My first vacation outside North America. Besides the gorgeous water, there were also iguanas and sea turtles which my nine-year-old self absolutely loved. It was a great place for my dad and brother to go scuba diving. Additionally, we decided to rent a house for 3 weeks instead of staying in a resort. Big mistake. We were completely on our own on a strange and unknown island. The electricity was always going out, the running water would often not work at all, and did I mention the cockroaches crawling out of the shower drain? My advice? Don’t rent a vacation house on an island unless prepared for every situation.
The Bad Luck
The beaches were also lovely and like nothing I had ever seen before; filled with beautiful shells of every kind, crabs, and baby jellyfish lurking in the shallows. Little did we know that my dad would end up with a crab stuck on his finger or that my mom and I would have an allergic reaction to baby jellyfish stings. We were completely unaware of the fact that all those little stings we felt while swimming would cause us to itch all over like the chicken poxs. Not very pleasant. My dad and brother were not affected at all though. After all of this terrible luck, we removed ourselves from the disastrous house and lived out the remaining 5 days of our unfortunate vacation at a Hilton Hotel. This was much better. Running water and electricity at last! We were a lot happier to be back in civilization. However, we will not be returning to Curacao anytime soon. The island itself was stunning but, my family and I just happened to have the worst luck possible while on it. It was quite the adventure. I know that I will always remember that crystal clear blue water.
My Opinion
I would recommend the island to people seeking very different and unique experiences. Just make sure to come prepared if you plan on not staying in a resort. It’s definitely worth checking out if you are up to the task. Hopefully you will have better luck than my family did. Lesson learned.
Written by Emily Mack