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Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies from Ralph's point of view

Writer's picture: It'sMyBlyth It'sMyBlyth

“I am chief then.”

I was chosen as chief for the boys. I honestly hope I can be a good leader. Well, my father is in the navy so I can try to be like him.

There are no adults on this island. There are just us boys and the littluns. As well as this fatty named “Piggy”; he has “assmar.” Piggy is such a annoying twerp. He constantly goes on and on about how his auntie said this and his auntie said that. He needs to just shut up. There is the conch that I blew because Piggy said to. I think that is maybe why I was chosen as leader. That conch is a special representation of civil acts to us. Whoever has the conch has the right to speak.

As new chief I need to tend to the boys and make sure everyone is rescued. So we must build a fire on the mountain so boats and airplanes can see us.

“How do you expect to be rescued if you don’t put first things first and  act proper?” howled Piggy.

Really? Come on, this fatty again going on his rants. His very long, annoying rants. We need a fire to be rescued. Does he not understand that? Do none of these boys understand that?

We lost a littlun because of that fat pig. I am chief. My whole job is to make sure this island is in order and all the boys are in good shape. Instead I lost a boy because of of that Piggy. He was supposed to count the amount of boys. Piggy is just so fat and annoying he never shuts up but he does make some valid points about the island: shelter, water, and the all the littluns are scared. I can’t seem to do anything about the littluns being scared the “beastie.” This “beastie” does not even exist. The littlun with the mulberry birthmark put this senseless thought inside these boys’ heads.

Jack Merridew, the boy that I won against when we were choosing the leader, he changed quite a lot. He is obsessed over hunting pigs we need to be rescued and he took all of the boys out hunting when they were supposed to tending to the fire. They. Let. The. Fire. Out! When there was a boat passing by too! What foolish idiots would let the fire out. We need to be rescued and they are just gallivanting about the island. Pig! Pig! Pig! That stupid pig. Simon and I have been working our tails off trying to build these shelters. While a handful of them are useless or enjoying themselves in the sand. Jack on the other hand is quite capable of doing things that are beneficial for the boys. He did want to be chief after all.

These boys are acting like savages. What happened to “we are the English, we are civilized”? As soon as the fire went out all anguish arose. The conch has lost all meaning. What am I to do blow the conch and all boys will just react to the sound like a bunch of trained dogs? I don’t believe that it works like that. Jack is completely off his rocker, he is ready to kill all of the animals on the island it seems. What if I am incompetent for being chief? Jack seems to have at least half the boys listening to him. Piggy and Simon, they seem to be afraid of Jack. They are on my side, but that is not many people. The littluns need a good chief and Jack is now like one of those savages that they tell us about. Piggy, he has some talks some sense, he seems to be the only one who hasn’t changes into a total fool.  

“Fat lot of good we are. Three blind mice. I’ll give up.”

Written by Maya Kaul

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