Wear your suit, we’re going outside. Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen. “I was born here, and in all my 20 years alive, I’ve never been outside, do you think this is a good idea? ” Ophelia asked “Yes, today is your day. Today is the day you walk on the moon” replied Laertes. Twelve. Eleven. Ten. She is my farewell and dear sister, our blood is almost familiar. Yes: father wouldn’t allow her to go outside, but father is not here.
“Do I wear my gloves this way?” questioned Ophelia “Yes, this way” answered Laertes “Hurry before father comes and sees you ready to leave”. She always wanted to go walk on the moon, it’s been twenty years, I think now is a good time. Nine. Eight. Seven. “What if something happens and we die, heaven will steal my soul, I’ll be a wasteful body on the moon” Ophelia quoted, “O fear not sister” Laertes explained. In just a few seconds we will leave this spaceship, and Ophelia will take her first step on the moon, and soon after that, we will spacewalk.
Six. Five. Four. It’s almost time, the procedure is easy: put your helmet on, lock the back door, press the red button, wait for the door that’s gonna take us outside to unlock, open it, then exit. Three. Two. One. But here father comes “Yet here, Laertes? Aboard, aboard for shame.” Polonius speaks disappointedly “How many times am do I have to say, Ophelia, shall not leave?” “‘Tis in my memory lock’d, And you yourself shall keep the key of it” Ophelia replies in anger “I almost had my first moon steps until you ruined it” “I do know, when the blood burns… I charge you. Come your ways.” said Polonius. “I shall obey, my lord” answered Ophelia. Yet: I wanted to let my sister have her first steps on the moon before heaven steals her soul when she is in the spaceship.
Written by Mohammed Al-Saeed)